Ultimately, someone has to do it. Someone has to make the decision. It is fascinating to watch in a team meeting. When no one is “the boss”, who ultimately pushes the group to decide and move on?

If you are familiar with Myers-Briggs personality inventory, these are the high “j”s. They tend to hate ambiguity- they want things decided. Sometimes they make decisions too quickly without enough data. The “p’s” the perceivers, their opposite can stay in ambiguity and be very calm without the need to drive to resolution. Many times they are enamored with looking at all the choices, and no decision is made.

Leaders tend to be willing to take charge and to take risk maybe more than others. There is a higher sense or urgency and a focus on outcomes. They will bet on their plan. They commit more fully as a way of being. They risk being unpopular. They are so drawn to the goal that other concerns drop off.

Where do you need to up your game, or make a commitment that may be unpopular? What is one thing you need to take charge of and make happen this week?


Next week: Trust


Image courtesy of lapinternational.com