BizPie Blog

The BizPie Blog gives expert advice for executives to help make better decisions, improve your team, and balance professional & personal life.

The simplicity

There was a simple joy in watching the first Dodger playoff game last night while we made dinner. I had a new pork and mushroom

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Granular Specificity

You’ve set a goal, you’ve broken it down into intermediate steps with timelines and due dates, and you failed to achieve the target. What happened?

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Laughter as medicine

Waking up in Chicago, jet-lagged from a late arrival, I hear my 11 month old granddaughter screeching and crawling to her sister’s room. I jump

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Visiting Chicagoland just before Labor Day, everyone was taking their last trip to the waterpark, visiting the beach before it closes, and planning for the

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Make more money

I was meeting with a business owner the other day, and we had a conversation we have had several times before: How can they make

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