Yes! Thanksgiving is coming!!!!

I love Thanksgiving. No presents. No religious origin that gets complicated in my multi-religious family. ‘Tis a veritable toast to gluttony in which my hedonistic heart rejoices.

And then again – I love Thanksgiving because the extended family gets together and celebrates our lucky lives. Most Thanksgivings are pleasant meals with lots of laughter, and little drama in my family. Yes, I am grateful for that.

Children of immigrants like all Americans at some point (except Indians), I am grateful that we have opportunity not available in our ancestral countries – whether economic (the Irish side), or political (the Jewish side). This is every American’s story whether they were forced to come here, or chose to come here. We have the rule of law, somewhat imperfect as it is, and the opportunity to make a better life. I am so grateful for that.

We did not get where we are today without help from family, friends and strangers. I am so grateful for those who helped my Grandparents get out of Europe. I am grateful for the sacrifices they made so that their Grandchildren could lead such lives of freedom, safety and choice.

As refugees are fleeing war-torn countries all over the globe, I am so grateful that my family is safe. I want for them, what we have.

I know that we each can only make a little difference. I hope that our wishes and our actions for Thanksgiving this year, when all put together, can add up to something much greater than we could imagine.

On Thursday, I’ll raise my glass to that!


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