Have you ever noodled on an issue for way too long because you just couldn’t decide between two options?  One way to think about your thinking (or your speed  to decision) might be to consider the consequence of error.

Let’s look at a couple of decisions you might have to make and the costs/benefits of the choices. Say you have to choose between a PC or a Mac. Macs are easier to use and work well with a host of other Apple products. They are great for individual users. However, you need lots of extra cables to tie in with other products especially if you use them for business. You may need to download extra software that comes standard in a PC.

PC’s are less expensive. They are designed to work with Microsoft software like teams and powerpoint or other collaboration software that is more standard in business.  You would judge the consequence of error based on how you use your computer, your budget and how much time you want to spend learning to use it.

If the decision is between painting your office green or blue, the consequence may be potential additional costs resulting from your decision. If you paint it blue, it might go with the existing flooring and furniture colors. If you change it to green (your favorite color), you might enjoy it more, but there is a cost to change other things to go with it. If saving money is the goal, you would stay with blue. If impressing your friends and standing out as a style leader was your goal, going green would be the choice.

Perhaps these choices seem obvious, but teasing out your thought patterns may not be. You have decision habits just like you have sleep habits, or exercise habits. If you wake up worrying, or find yourself not taking the decision, lay out the consequence of error. It might help you take this decision and go on to the next one much faster with good if not the most excellent results.

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Image of Bogie deciding how much trouble he will be in if he takes that that meat off the counter.