For people living in Los Angeles, introductions can be like the currency of belonging or prestige in one of our main industries – film. streaming. tv. This is not as true in manufacturing or distribution – or many of the industries our Vistage members play in.  Yes, we have Hollywood but we also have LA-Long Beach, the largest port in the US,  and so many other industries. Still, it can be very helpful. So when talking with some of my fellow HOA members at our annual meeting in Mammoth, I realized that I could make an introduction from a new owner to a neighbor in LA. Easy enough. I do it all the time for my Vistage Members. The fact that they both happen to be in The Industry, making commercials, made it clear the value was there.

How important is that? It could be nothing or it could be huge. How many times do you think that someone you know should meet someone you just met and you let that thought pass in and out without action? Do you realize that this is a special gift you can give to both people? How much caring does it show that you put your social capital on the line for another human being?

Why don’t we do this more often? It costs so little. I wish more people would have done this for me when I was an up-and- comer. I try to do this for younger folks I know. If you have been around for a while, you could do this too.

Who could you introduce to someone else this week that might make a difference in their life? Let me repeat….it doesn’t cost you anything.

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