If you have seasonality to your work life like I do, planning recharge time after charge time is more necessary than we might think.

The second week of each month when I have my Vistage meetings is what I plan my whole month around. If you have to close books, it might be the last couple of days to get stuff billed and the first few days to get the accounting done. Every department has a different rhythm and you need to plan for it.

So, do you also plan recharge time for the following few days? Next, do you assess how the month went with team members and realign for more success?

I see you rolling your eyes. Who has time to recharge? Well, if you don’t put it in your calendar, no one else will. Let’s talk about that. First, what recharges you? It may just be no obligations for all of Saturday morning. Or, a hike or golf or binge watching a new series. Perhaps, it is playing video games until 2 am on Friday night. Honor yourself in some way, and applaud yourself for doing it.

Clearly, none of us is getting enough sleep so include some time for that. And, maybe a change of scenery within your own town. Enjoying something new can recharge your batteries.

When you return to work, spend some time alone or with your team to assess the last month. What was easy to accomplish, and what was hard? What is one thing that could make your job easier this month? Maybe, it is as straight forward as cleaning off your desk/desktop so you can find what you need. Each time the monthly cycle begins, make it a little better. That is a recharge right there.

Photo of cows in Owens valley recharging.

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