If you want to get better results, you may think you need to get better answers. Let’s go a little deeper here. Suppose that the question asked is the question answered. If you ask the “wrong” question, you get the “wrong” answer. So, improve the quality of your questions and you will get answers that lead you to better results.

What is a “quality” question? There is not ONE question that if you learn it and use it you will solve everything. But, there are some guidelines to better questions. It is like peeling the onion one layer at a time.

Good questions are:

  1. Open ended. What do we already know? What have you considered?
  2. Curious. Can you tell me more about that? Who else was involved?
  3. Non-judgmental. What led you to that conclusion? What else was happening then?
  4. Not just “fact questions” but “feeling questions.” How are you feeling about the situation right now?

Notice that there is no solution embedded in the question like “Have you considered firing the jerk?” Notice also that there is no rush to get to an “answer”. If you stay in question, stay in curiosity, the best answer for that person or that situation will emerge.

Here are more follow-up questions:

     5. Deeper: Can you give me 3 potential ways to solve the problem you named?

     6. Responsible : What was your part/contribution to the issue? What have you considered doing?

     7 Reworking: Is this the real question?

If the person is too triggered to problem solve, then working through the hurt and anger must come first. Start from no. 4 – the feeling questions. How are you feeling? What else? Is there more?

Ask better questions and you will be a better leader. This is a skill that can be learned with practice. This week, think through the questions you could ask to get better results. And try them out.

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