I really have a hard time accepting it when people use age as an excuse. “I’m too old to take the stairs.” “I’m too old to learn how to use a new phone, app, program, AI, etc.” “I don’t want to get my hearing, vision, blood pressure, prostate, mammogram, or some other preventative exam….” Really? If you hear this from someone you love, dig down to find out why. They may need someone to drive them, or book the appointment. Or, just nag them to do it.

The less you fight aging, the sooner you are left out of the conversation, and the sooner you become irrelevant. It is fair to say you are in pain or really can’t do something anymore. It gets harder and harder to stay strong and flexible as we age. In fact, more and more jokes go around about how long we have to exercise to accomplish tasks that we did without thinking years ago. This decline is gradual so don’t wait until you hurt or the stiffness takes over – pushing back against the entropy takes time. Give it to yourself.

The good news is that more and more I see people taking small steps. They keep a set of light weights nearby. They do reps “in between,” in between calls, meals, chapters of a book, etc., 2, 3, 4, 5 times each day. Or, do 10 pushups, 25 jumping jacks, lunges. They stretch. They touch their toes or as far as they can go. Practice deep breathing for 3 minutes with eyes closed. Go for walks.

My body rewards me when I do this. Does yours? I feel better – less sore, more fluid. I stand up straighter. I sleep better.

Then, I get really busy and I have to start over again. So… I do. I hope you do too!

This week, each day, add one thing to your daily routine to improve your health. Chart what you did and see how proud of yourself you are by next Sunday.


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