In today’s NY Times, Judith Shelevitz says: “Sociologists sometimes call the management of familial duties ‘worry work’, and the person who does it the ‘designated worrier’, because you need large reserves of emotional energy to stay on top of it all”.

So is that where CEOs learned it?

I began to wonder what other CEO traits are seen in Mothers.

Here are some that occurred to me:

Long term thinking. Don’t kill that kid when they misbehave. Instead, focus on the goal of developing a productive adult many years out from the provocation.

Create the culture. Moms teach manners, how to dress and to play nice with your brother.

Watch your cash. If the family runs out of money, they may not eat for days. Moms make mac and cheese one night and burgers the next when there won’t be enough to last the week if they serve steak.

Collaborate. Carpools, school fundraisers, sleep-overs – Moms learn to work together to get a huge amount accomplished.

Discipline. Do what has to be done despite lack of sleep.

Say thank you! Moms are the chief reminders, encouragers, and punishers.


Happy Mothers’ Day and many thanks to all the Mothers and CEOs out there.


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