I must have been 5 when I finally accepted that Santa Claus was a myth. I think we love our myths as humans, especially ones that result in unexpected and unearned gifts, wealth, health happiness, etc.  They feed into a yearning we have for a better life, or a simple explanation.

Blue Zones were identified by Dan Buettner in his books and have been studied and explored for many years by researchers looking for the key to longevity. According to Buettner, people in Blue Zones live longer and healthier lives. However, Dr. Saul Justin Newman was just awarded the first-ever Ig Nobel award in Demography by MIT on Sept 12, 2024, for debunking the popular idea of ‘Blue Zones’ as regions of exceptional longevity and healthy lifestyles.

“Many, if not most of the centenarians in the ‘Blue Zone’ have turned out to be alive in the government records but were deceased in reality. Using extensive government data and surveys, Dr Newman showed that most of the dietary and lifestyle claims behind the so-called ‘Blue Zone’ regions of high longevity are not supported by any independent data.

For example, despite vegetables and sweet potatoes being promoted as key components of the Okinawan ‘Blue Zone’ diets, according to the Japanese government, Okinawans eat the least vegetables and sweet potatoes in Japan and have the highest body mass index.

Dr Newman showed that the highest rates of achieving extreme old age are predicted by high poverty, the lack of birth certificates, and fewer 90-year-olds. Poverty and pressure to commit pension fraud were shown to be excellent indicators of reaching ages 100+ in a way that is ‘the opposite of rational expectations’.”*

Well, one more myth debunked. Keep grandma propped up in that chair and continue to get her pension. social security checks for years. There is something about this that just tickles the funny bone and makes you think.

* quoted from

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