Do you have good SOP’s?

While processing an opportunity at a Vistage meeting last week, one member asked if the company had a SOP around the process being discussed. “What’s an SOP?” asked a Second Member.The group laughed or groaned.
How much unscheduled time have you put in your schedule?

Does unscheduled time show up for you very often? You know, 2 hours with nothing to do and the freedom to do whatever you want. I’m guessing it doesn’t show up in your work hours and not during after hours, either. (Are there after hours anymore?)
Who vets your decisions?

When you have an important decision to make, do you make it by yourself?Do you talk to other people on your management team? Or,
What is your leadership code?

At the Los Angeles Vistage Executive Summit, we had a hugely inspirational talk about leadership from a High School Principal – Linda Cliatt-Wayman. She is the Principal for Strawberry
Do you schedule exercise on your calendar?

“Roughly half of cancer deaths in the United States could be prevented or forestalled if all Americans quit smoking, cut back on drinking, maintained a healthful weight and
Are you focusing on the right metrics?

Most companies get a lot of data from their internal reporting about sales, labor costs, materials used, payroll etc. In fact, there is a huge amount of monthly data, some comes daily and some companies get their data close to real time. Digging through all that data to get to the 2 to 3 most […]
How do you keep focus on your strategic projects? – Part 2

Last week we laid out a tactical plan for how to make progress on your strategic projects. I had some feed back about how people executed on the plan. A Senior Leader of an organization with over 300 people, shared my blog with her direct reports and together they made plans for this week, honoring […]
How do you keep focus on your strategic projects?

As a Vistage Chair, I often hear a speaker more than once – sometimes 3 days in a row. I always learn something from each talk, and this week was no different. Mike Scott was giving his advanced workshop on accountability, and he asked us to write down our top strategic projects. I wrote down […]
Are you on time? Do you care?

The traffic gods were with me and I arrived 10 minutes early to a reception. I walked in to find 2 other participants already there
Do you hold accountable meetings?

How often do you start a meeting late waiting for just a few more people to arrive? Do you have a set time to end the meeting, and you let it go over because someone brought up a totally unexpected issue? Do you have a written agenda? Is the amount of time for each item […]