Can you say you are sorry?

Why is it so hard to say, “I am sorry”? Athletes and politicians in particular say things like “Mistakes were made.” Really, and would
Are you open for a little feedback?

Do you brace yourself when you get that question? Do you instantly expect bad news? Yet, what I hear from mid-level managers is
Are you looking at the right numbers to run a profitable business?

Now that tax time is over, and hopefully you are griping about the check you just wrote to Uncle Sam, I’ve got to ask – what numbers do you track to run your business? This may seem so simple, but I’ve found that finding and tracking the most meaningful activities that drive sales, efficiency and […]
Do you begin with the end in mind?

Did you get up this morning and have a result you were working for today? Or, do you have a goal you set to be completed this week? Did you make appointments with yourself during the week, and keep them so that you met your goal? Do you begin with the end in mind? My […]
Our greatest strengths, when overused, are the source of our downfall.

The news anchor, Brian Williams, was suspended from the NBC nightly news last week because of a story he told in speeches, not something he said on the air.
Do you hate meetings, too?-part two

You’ve been complaining all your adult life about meetings. SO, what can you do about it?
Are you investing in your infrastructure?

This week a major waterline burst in a pipe under Sunset Blvd., a major artery in West Los Angeles, dumping millions of gallons of water onto the UCLA campus. Go Bruins! Oof!.
How do you measure progress towards success?

Could it be possible that you measure progress towards success differently than many of the people in your organization?
How much do your employees think you earn?

We make all sorts of assumptions about how much employees understand about our business and they make all sorts of assumptions about where the money is going that aren’t based on reality. I’d say it is time for some real conversations. Pull back the curtain.
Leadership = Keeping Commitments

I coach leaders, so to help them be better leaders, it would be a good idea if I knew what made a great leader, right?