Are you triggered?

  How often are you in a meeting and someone says something that either makes you shut-down, or respond in anger or with a clear intent to prove why they are wrong? At that moment, you are definitely out of the sweet spot. Your conversational capacity has hit its outer limit.

Is what you say what your team hears?

What is it you say all the time? “Is it finished?” “It’s okay.” “That’s not right!” “That’s not what I meant.” “Can we make it cheaper?” “Where is the data?” “We don’t have time to get more data.”

How many languages do you speak?

  Living here in California, 40% of the people you run into speak another language besides English. (2007 census data). In fact, as of the 2000 census there were 207 languages spoken here. What do all those folks have to teach the rest of us? Well, if you remember studying another language in your past, […]