Strengthen your core

If you have done pilates or are building flexibility and strength, you know how important it is to strengthen your core. It is not an obvious focus in the beginning – maybe you don’t even know where it is. Think of holding your stomach muscles in and you are pretty close. Stand with your head […]
The simplicity

There was a simple joy in watching the first Dodger playoff game last night while we made dinner. I had a new pork and mushroom meatball recipe we were making, and with a fresh batch of basil, I made pesto and a green salad. Paul had a silver tequila neat and I opened a bottle […]
Go Slow – the motto of Caye Coulker, Belize

Can you imagine a group of hard driving CEO’s spending a whole week together with spouses “going slow”? Yes, it can happen. It just did. A year ago at our last retreat in Lake Tahoe, someone asked where we would go next year. There was a long silence in the room. Then, Chuck Tapert […]
Innovation versus innovative process

Have you ever noticed that innovators talk really fast? It seems like the ideas are flooding their brain 3 times faster than the mouth can talk…or than the listener can process. Sometimes, before you can ask a question, they are on to another idea. Those who excel at innovative processes tend to talk slower. Their […]
Sensemaking is a leadership skill
In a Vistage webinar on Friday, Dave Nelson commented that in the list of required leadership skills for successful leaders, perhaps the most important one in this moment, beyond, vision, drive, effective decisionmaking, ability to attract and retain top talent, etc. was sensemaking. His talk was about AI, but this captured my attention immediately. What […]
15 minute check-in

Marcus Buckingham, author of First, Break All The Rules and 9 other books spoke to the Vistage Community about Love + Work his latest work. He described how in speaking with the HR Directors of publicly traded companies about love at work – loving your employees, loving your customers, they couldn’t even use the […]
Got patience?

Not patience? Let’s line up at the starting line and let’s go! We don’t have time to wait for stragglers. Last one in is a rotten egg.
A+ process vs. A+ players

Which is more important to your organization – A+ process or A+ players? That’s a tough question, isn’t it? You are probably thinking that you need both. And, yes, you do need both. But not every process or every team member has to be A+. Good thing, huh? How could you find all A+ players […]
Create agency

When the pandemic sent millions of people to work from home, each one had to figure out how to connect in to work with perhaps their own old laptop and their phone. Laptops were sold out. Laptop cameras were not available. Internet speeds were too slow. Schools were shut down so kids too had to […]
Fishing is down, phishing is up

After 3 Vistage meetings this week where Technology Strategic Planning speaker, Joe Beaulieu, spent at least 40 minutes discussing Cybersecurity, I came home to find a phishing email addressed to 2 of the meeting attendees from a third. I texted the supposed sender with a photo of the email and he immediately replied “phishing”.