Are you training your people to beat the competition?

The Q4 Vistage CEO Confidence Survey stated that …”the expected upsurge in business prospects have given a new urgency to finding, hiring, training, and retaining employees. This was the most significant and challenging issue voiced by CEOs in the latest survey.

Are you triggered?

  How often are you in a meeting and someone says something that either makes you shut-down, or respond in anger or with a clear intent to prove why they are wrong? At that moment, you are definitely out of the sweet spot. Your conversational capacity has hit its outer limit.

Are you a team or a family?

  At the Vistage Executive Summit. Ben Casoncha challenged the attendees to ponder the agreement they make when they hire a new employee. With great enthusiasm, a new addition is welcomed to the organization and within a few hours,

Are you being intentional about meetings?

Do your people complain that there are too many meetings in your organization and that not enough gets done in them? Perhaps you have a weekly management meeting. Why is it weekly?

How prepared are you for the unexpected?

A major hurricane ripped across the US political landscape when the news came out yesterday afternoon that Justice Scalia had died in his sleep. The court does not stop functioning. They have many important cases to hear this term. A split and unpredictable court has become more so. So, everyone is now rethinking the possible […]

Are you good at hiring?

How important is it to you to have great people on your team? Every business executive has a horror story of a bad hire and how much it cost the company. Not to mention