Are you using your EQ as much as your IQ?

Yesterday I read the following phrase: “I don’t know how you could possibly believe that this was an acceptable way for an adult to behave.” Imagine, having the grace under pressure to say something like that! 

Are our ethics slipping?

The arrest of fashion industry company owners and managers in downtown L.A. this week raises the question: as executives, as members of the community, as leaders of our teams, are our ethics slipping?

Does humor work at work?

The recent passing of Joan Rivers so soon after Robin Williams had me thinking this week about humor. What makes something funny?

Are you investing in your infrastructure?

This week a major waterline burst in a pipe under Sunset Blvd., a major artery in West Los Angeles, dumping millions of gallons of water onto the UCLA campus. Go Bruins! Oof!.

What is your do-over?

When I ask business leaders: which of the following is your most common do-over a. Machine purchase b. New hire c. Pricing decision They usually say