Social Sensitivity is Good Business

Daniel Goleman has written a great new book:Focus. I was particularly taken by his section on social sensitivity. According to the studies he quotes, your attention to social signals drops the higher up you are in the social or corporate hierarchy. The higher-up tended to interrupt, ignore, or not pay attention to non verbal clues […]

How to Make the Magic Happen in 2014

If you run a business, you know that increasing both your top and your bottom line requires different skill sets. Most leaders favor one over the other. Before the magic can happen you need to assess where your focus has been in the past.

Whack-a-Mole – Part 2

Last week we talked about how many CEO’s are really behaving like Chief Whack-a-Mole Officers. The same problem keeps popping up over and over again and they keep whacking it to no avail. And I shared some important questions you should ask yourself if you self-identified as a CWO. Your answers should begin to help […]

Using the Internal Conversation to Coach Your Team

As a Vistage coach, I was trained to write down my thoughts as I listened and questioned my members to go deeper. Some of those thoughts were judgments, some were wonderings, and some were questions.

The Internal Conversation

One of my favorite quotes is from Susan Scott’s Fierce Conversations, “All conversations are with myself. Sometimes they include other people.”

What filter are you using today?

If you have ever had a SLR camera, you probably bought a filter for the lens so the skies would be bluer and the contrast would make for more striking pictures.