How many languages do you speak?
Living here in California, 40% of the people you run into speak another language besides English. (2007 census data). In fact, as of the 2000 census there were 207 languages spoken here. What do all those folks have to teach the rest of us? Well, if you remember studying another language in your past, […]
Who is telling your story?
With all the opportunities to tell your story in person as well as on social media – to comment on current events, to talk about movies, the Olympics, your friends’ behavior or anything else you would like to say, do you
How do you lead?
At the APICS Symposium on April 30th, the panelists were asked ”How do you lead?” Dr. Chris Gopel, executive director at the Drucker Center for Supply Chain & Logistics, said: Lead by:
What led to your success in your business?
A couple of years ago a group of women CEOs were asked “What is the one leadership trait that led to your success in your business?”
What is it about entrepreneurs?
After pilates, we were going to the nearby Trader Joe’s when I spotted a new coffee place in the hip area of Eagle Rock. After finding an Ethiopian blend roasted there, we wandered into the craft beer shop next door. Sunday at 11:20 am, who greets us but the owner who opened the shop […]
Is it time for baby boomers to quit?
In my work with direct reports to CEO’s and whole corporate teams, I’m seeing a number of really amazing and competent millennials beginning to step into positions of great responsibility. Some are just so talented you can’t hold them back. Others
The Globalization of Devastation
When I was a kid, my Mother would tell me to eat my dinner-that there were starving children in Biafra.
Are you an Idea Monkey or a Ringleader? Pick one.
At the Vistage Executive Summit in Los Angeles, speaker Mike Maddock asked us to identify which we were. When I turned to a couple of CEO’s I knew well and
Do you hold 1-2-1’s with all your direct reports?
You probably think you communicate regularly and effectively with all your direct reports. What would they say? My sense from working with a lot of team members just below the CEO is that they
Can you make a decision?
You probably know that the word “decide” means to kill choice. It may have been your experience that you rose through an organization, because you were willing