How do we solve big problems?

The old adage is….one bite at a time. As in, how do you eat an elephant? To me, the strategic question is…
What have CEOs learned from Mothers?

In today’s NY Times, Judith Shelevitz says: “Sociologists sometimes call the management of familial duties ‘worry work’, and the person who does it
Do written corporate values matter?

Have you seen those nice plaques on the walls of lobbies, boardrooms, managers’ offices? Here it is: this is who they are, this is
Would you sell your business if approached today?

Recently, several Vistage members have been approached by larger competitors, Private Equity Groups or investors, who are unrelated to their industries, asking if they would be interested in selling their businesses.
How are you managing your email etiquette?

Controversy this week about Hilary Clinton’s use of a private email server while Secretary of State is just the tip of the iceberg about email hygiene. In her case, at the time she did it, it was not against policy. Now it would be. She may have been advised to do it to add a […]
Do you hand out Oscars to your outstanding performers?

There is so much hype about the Oscars here in Los Angeles, that most Angelenos can’t wait for them to
Our greatest strengths, when overused, are the source of our downfall.

The news anchor, Brian Williams, was suspended from the NBC nightly news last week because of a story he told in speeches, not something he said on the air.
Where are you getting new people for your company?

One of my Vistage members has hired interns for his company-10 in the last 9 months. How is that for new people for his company?
Who is making things happen in New Orleans 10 years+ after Katrina?

My old friend grew up in New Orleans and basically left at 18. His father designed the sculpture in the picture. He toured us around for a couple of days and talked about the strict social rules and stratification in New Orleans while he was growing up. My nephew just moved here 3 weeks ago […]
In the geo-political oil game, are you Saudi Arabia or are you Venezuela?

As gas prices continue to stay low, Saudi Arabia is sitting pretty – producing oil at $15-18/barrel. They have $740bi in cash reserves, so they can stay on this course