Self Care

When executives turn to their coaches in those moments of overwhelm, they might describe it as an issue of work/life balance, Or, it could show up as managing priorities, or even setting priorities.

Hire Mothers

This is an important secret I learned when I ran my manufacturing company: hire mothers. Now, when the hiring signs are going up all over the country, it becomes even more urgent. We need highly efficient workers who are result-driven and don’t waste time. What mother has an extra minute to waste? Mothers have to […]

Being 90

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be 90?  Here is my Aunt Ruth blowing out the candles at the family home where she lives independently.  She still drives during the day, has seen every recent movie and can talk about happenings in the world with a clear viewpoint and a desire […]

Reevaluating Priorities

How often do you throw all your cards up in the air and re-sort them in a new order? I’m going through that right now. Due to a much increased work load (all good) I’m rethinking where I put my time and attention. Obligations, burdens, previously fun stuff, the “of course I’ll do that” responses, […]

Bored v. Busy

It seems like it was a common refrain 10 years ago that everyone was bored. Perhaps that came from living with teenagers.  Now everyone complains that they are too busy.

Power of Fear

When we are having a good day, our thinking brain (the pre-frontal cortex) is in control and we don’t get flooded with cortisol – the hormone that is produced when our instinctive brain (the amygdala) saves us from danger. The power of fear is life saving in the right moment. It is also extremely harmful […]

Thorn bushes have roses

When I was a kid, my Dad spent every weekend in the garden and his 45 rose bushes were his pride and joy – right after the dichondra lawn. I didn’t seem to notice the thorns as I cut flowers for my Mom or deadheaded old roses per my Dad’s instructions.

Add more charity

While driving home from Pilates this morning, we passed the caravan returning the fallen firefighter, Cory Iverson, to his home in San Diego from the Thomas fire in Ventura and Santa Barbara counties. It is so devastating to lose a life. 8300 firefighters have been deployed.18,000 structures are threatened.This fire is now the largest we […]

If you could take your Dad anywhere, where would you take him?

Many of us have complex relationships with our Fathers and mixed emotions about holidays like Father’s Day. So facing right into the situation, I want to know where you would go if you could take your Dad anywhere. My Dad was in the navy during WWII. He served stateside, but was always interested in world […]

What is the point of Mother’s Day?

My Mother hated Mother’s Day. Yet, even as adults with children of our own, we would all make sure to take her to dinner together, and bought her a gift she didn’t need but we all hoped she would like.