Are you becoming more wise?

The news feeds, especially on my Facebook page are distressing. In the midst of all the snarky discourse and name calling, there has to be a center of peace and communication-that is, if we want to bridge the gap.
Does the new California gas tax annoy you, too?

Governor Jerry Brown and the Democratic super majority legislature have swept through a new gas tax of 12 cents a gallon to be effective November 1st. Argh! Every time the price of gas went down in the last few years, I threw a little party in my car and spent that extra $1.20 I got […]
Are you passionate about your work?

You hear it, I hear it, we all hear that we should find work about which we are passionate. If we do, we will be wildly successful. And yes, we all do know some people who are passionate about their work. It fits them perfectly, and they are super successful. Then, there are the rest […]
What will you do when you retire?

Asking a group of business owners what they will do when they retire, you get a lot of quick retorts: “Who me, I’ll never retire!” “I’ll start another company.”
Have you played hooky lately?

We all live by our calendar, right? It keeps us mercifully on track and makes us the ultra-productive human beings we aspire to be. Thus, when reviewing my calendar last Tuesday evening, I was shocked to discover a hole, actually a miraculously large hole from Thursday at 9 am until Friday at noon. The desert […]
Did you set yourself a stretch goal for 2017?

Last year my family hiking group set a goal of hiking through Matterhorn Canyon in the north eastern corner of Yosemite National Park. It is 20 miles from any road
Are you celebrating the good?

I hope this week of holidays brings you joy! The busyness of decorating the house with holiday traditions, buying presents, sending cards, calling friends and family, perhaps long drives to be with loved ones, too much or too little time with loved ones…it is all coming to a close. If this time is […]
What is your mini-vacation?

Scientific studies say that we need to lower our stress at regular times during the day, the week and the year. For daily stress, you have probably heard that you should get up and
Are you too old to change?

It happened to me again last week. I was introduced to someone at a party and a little way into the conversation he told me he was too old to change.
Have you had time off recently?

Exciting as it is to be in a Tropical Storm Watch on Maui, getting prepared for flooding, no electricity and hunkering in place was not what I dreamed about