Gratitude and Kindness

Tomorrow, we gather with family to eat, drink and be merry, and for this I am grateful.

Remembering Gerry Layo

The code words “sad news” ran across the subject line from a post by a fellow Vistage Chair. The inspirational, high energy, force of nature known as Gerry Layo had a fall and died from his injuries. Oh, how could that be??? I miss him already… Gerry incited energy and action in his sales seminars. […]

Don’t take anything personally

The second of  The 4 Agreements in the book by Don Miguel Ruiz is “Don’t take anything personally”. When someone cuts you off on the freeway, or is rude in a store, we can usually see that it is about them, not about us. We can take a deep breathe and move on.

Getting older?

The State of California is getting older, too. Rapidly. The percentage of the population over 65 is currently 5.5%. By 2060 it will be 13.5%. The percentage of children under 18 will drop from 24 to 18% of the population. While our children will be fighting for space in the old people’s homes, our great-grandchildren […]

Live today

We scheduled a massage for 4:30, yesterday. At 3:45, I heard the helicopters. Lots of helicopters. Then, I heard sirens. Living close to the 5 freeway, sometimes this happens with a major accident. Not like this. 8 helicopters. They were not over the freeway. Oh no, it is in the neighborhood.

Plan for retirement

For many successful executives, retirement is a scary proposition. Scary because retirement equals lack of identity, lack of structure, lack of value…Who am I if I am not the CEO of a successful company? Who am I if I am not the CFO, or the CMO, or whatever your title. It may define your sense […]

Civil Discourse

I have not seen the United States of America, the land I love, so torn up since the late 60’s. The name-calling, the divisions, the neighbor pitted against neighbor….the lack of civil discourse. If this has been planted by the Russians, as they have been accused of doing, then they are winning and we, the […]

Reigniting your flame

KOF 2018 Boulder

Put over 100 tenured TEC/Vistage* Chairs in Boulder for 3 days and magic happens. Well, depending on how you define magic. Is it transforming your view of the world, how you hold your experiences, what you see for your future, how to live in joy?….we did all that this weekend.

Celebrate celebrating

June is such a fabulous month for celebrating! Last night we were at the wedding of the daughter of my friend since third grade. Do I post a picture of the bride and groom? Of course not. Here is my old friend Greg looking like the proud and happy father that he is. When we […]

The midlife slump

I was struck by an op-ed piece in the L.A. Times* by Jonathan Rauch, a Pulitzer Prize Winning journalist, who discovered in his 40’s that despite all of his achievements, a good life and a good marriage, he was suffering a midlife slump.