Are you focusing on the right metrics?
Most companies get a lot of data from their internal reporting about sales, labor costs, materials used, payroll etc. In fact, there is a huge amount of monthly data, some comes daily and some companies get their data close to real time. Digging through all that data to get to the 2 to 3 most […]
Are you an Idea Monkey or a Ringleader? Pick one.
At the Vistage Executive Summit in Los Angeles, speaker Mike Maddock asked us to identify which we were. When I turned to a couple of CEO’s I knew well and
How do you build trust within your organization?
Trust is one of those difficult to measure yet highly important factors in creating great companies. I’ve been doing a little research about it in the business literature, and
Can you make a decision?
You probably know that the word “decide” means to kill choice. It may have been your experience that you rose through an organization, because you were willing
What happens to your company when the boomers retire?
If you are an entrepreneur under the age of 50, you probably think this doesn’t apply to you. Finally, all those older “cousins” will get out of your way. The whole banana will be yours to govern. Amen. Halleluiah. Well, maybe….
Where is your focus – on tomorrow, next month or 2018?
It is first thing Monday morning and you have been in the office for 6 ½ minutes when your Sales Manager buzzes you. Your top customer has a problem and she needs your input “right now”.
Are you looking at the right numbers to run a profitable business?
Now that tax time is over, and hopefully you are griping about the check you just wrote to Uncle Sam, I’ve got to ask – what numbers do you track to run your business? This may seem so simple, but I’ve found that finding and tracking the most meaningful activities that drive sales, efficiency and […]
Are you right here, right now?
I was talking to my daughter while making dinner the other night, and I remembered that I needed to send an email and oh I needed to get the butter out…this is when
Are you prepared for the health crisis of a KEY team member?
I was talking with a Senior Executive the other day about his 67 year old colleague who had a health crisis 3 months ago. The good man has not returned to work and they don’t know when he will. Further, they don’t know what is wrong so they are all in limbo. This month they […]
Are you one of those who did NOT watch the Super Bowl?
From the media hype, you would think all 316 million Americans were glued to their televisions, with their family or friends gathered around them, watching the most important game of 2015.