Pull marketing? It’s about survival, baby.

In many companies the roles of sales and marketing are all mushed together. Early entrepreneurs wear many hats, so it happens- just as Finance and HR can be under or be just one person. (Not a long term fit in my mind). As companies grow, it is helpful to define and separate out the roles […]

Have you double-checked your business model* lately?

While working with a group of wicked smart CEO’s this week, we drilled down on the business model of the host. When they started the business 10 years ago, they were way ahead of the competition in how they went to market.

How gross IS your margin?

This is my personal favorite. I love studying gross margin. I want to know what your competitor’s gross margin is. I want to know why the margins are better in industries other than yours. I want to know how come some companies have gross margins over 50%. (I came out of manufacturing, so that looks […]

Can I top your top line?

Last week I talked in a general way about where business leaders focus their attention – top line v.s. bottom line. Since the business focus follows the focus of the leader, there are specific areas that leaders should understand well. If these metrics are off, you need to be paying close attention and know how […]

How to Make the Magic Happen in 2014

If you run a business, you know that increasing both your top and your bottom line requires different skill sets. Most leaders favor one over the other. Before the magic can happen you need to assess where your focus has been in the past.