Reigniting your flame

Put over 100 tenured TEC/Vistage* Chairs in Boulder for 3 days and magic happens. Well, depending on how you define magic. Is it transforming your view of the world, how you hold your experiences, what you see for your future, how to live in joy?….we did all that this weekend.
Self Care
When executives turn to their coaches in those moments of overwhelm, they might describe it as an issue of work/life balance, Or, it could show up as managing priorities, or even setting priorities.
Power of Fear

When we are having a good day, our thinking brain (the pre-frontal cortex) is in control and we don’t get flooded with cortisol – the hormone that is produced when our instinctive brain (the amygdala) saves us from danger. The power of fear is life saving in the right moment. It is also extremely harmful […]
Your super power

Do you know what your superpower is? Some people would say it is your top strength, what you excel it or what you delight in.
Wisdom Circle

Do you have a wisdom circle – a group of wise friends or advisors who tell it to you straight and hold you accountable to being your best self? What would it look like if you did? How bout this?
Thorn bushes have roses

When I was a kid, my Dad spent every weekend in the garden and his 45 rose bushes were his pride and joy – right after the dichondra lawn. I didn’t seem to notice the thorns as I cut flowers for my Mom or deadheaded old roses per my Dad’s instructions.
Focus issues?

This time of year, many of my coaching sessions are taken up with creating focus on the most important activities or outcomes required for a successful year. It is a typical and valuable assessment of how to actualize those aspirational New Year’s resolutions. Usually, to be successful, the resolution requires changes in behavior. Making these […]
Self-Awareness and Leadership
Self awareness is one of the most important leadership competencies yet it is not often the focus of a conversation until there is a misstep. Subordinates have sayings about it, some of the more polite ones being “the bull in the china shop,” “too much information,” or “won’t let it go”.
Are you becoming more wise?

The news feeds, especially on my Facebook page are distressing. In the midst of all the snarky discourse and name calling, there has to be a center of peace and communication-that is, if we want to bridge the gap.
Are you passionate about your work?

You hear it, I hear it, we all hear that we should find work about which we are passionate. If we do, we will be wildly successful. And yes, we all do know some people who are passionate about their work. It fits them perfectly, and they are super successful. Then, there are the rest […]