Educate your customer

Nora Paller BizPie Blog

Yesterday, 250 financially successful individuals, and wannabees like us, gathered at the Langham Huntington Hotel in Pasadena, California for the 20th anniversary session of Client University. Diane Doolin got up and welcomed her guests to an all-day event filled with news about the economy, market trends and future thinking as well as break-out sessions that […]

Dashboard engagement

Nora Paller BizPie Blog

Companies that enroll their team members in the “game” of their business, in 2 to 3 big levers that create success or failure, have more engaged employees and better profitability. This might be described as dashboard engagement. Dashboard engagement is a term I’m making up, but play along with me for a minute. Look at […]

Orchestrate Diversity

Friday night we watched from the seats of Disney Hall as Zubin Mehta, the former conductor of the Los Angeles Philharmonic slowly walked out on the arm of the violinist Pinchas Zukerman to conduct Brahms’ Violin Concerto. Mehta was carefully guided up a ramp to the conductor’s platform and led the orchestra from a chair […]

2019 goals

Nora Paller BizPie Blog

If you wrote down your goals for 2018, this would be the time to review them. Which ones did you achieve, and which ones did you miss.? Can you figure out why? My guess is that for the ones you achieved you had a specific plan with regular milestones and due dates.  And you kept […]

Gratitude and Kindness

Tomorrow, we gather with family to eat, drink and be merry, and for this I am grateful.

Remembering Gerry Layo

The code words “sad news” ran across the subject line from a post by a fellow Vistage Chair. The inspirational, high energy, force of nature known as Gerry Layo had a fall and died from his injuries. Oh, how could that be??? I miss him already… Gerry incited energy and action in his sales seminars. […]

Recession ready?

The economists are beginning to say it out loud: the signs are gathering for a recession by the end of 2019. Yes, it depends on the sector, but it is likely you are not immune. Are you recession ready?

Relocated abroad

Nora Paller BizPie Blog

On the plane from Lima, Peru to Santiago, Chile I sat next to a young woman whose accent in English immediately caught my attention.  I had offered in Spanish to switch seats with her as she had the middle seat between my husband by the window and my seat on the aisle, She smiled and […]

Communicating, really?

A random comment caught me off guard last week. A senior executive said that their executive team brought in a facilitator and set goals for 2019 and he had real clarity as to what his role would be going forward. Here is what surprised me: He said that in all the time he had worked […]

Don’t take anything personally

The second of  The 4 Agreements in the book by Don Miguel Ruiz is “Don’t take anything personally”. When someone cuts you off on the freeway, or is rude in a store, we can usually see that it is about them, not about us. We can take a deep breathe and move on.