Innovation versus innovative process

Have you ever noticed that innovators talk really fast? It seems like the ideas are flooding their brain 3 times faster than the mouth can talk…or than the listener can process. Sometimes, before you can ask a question, they are on to another idea. Those who excel at innovative processes tend to talk slower. Their […]
Business + Community

Board members of non-profits are expected to contribute their smarts and their money and show up to their fundraisers. That is part of the deal. So this week we trekked up to Sonoma to attend the gala for Kids Scoop News. They create a monthly newsletter to distribute to schools that local businesses support, full […]
A+ process vs. A+ players

Which is more important to your organization – A+ process or A+ players? That’s a tough question, isn’t it? You are probably thinking that you need both. And, yes, you do need both. But not every process or every team member has to be A+. Good thing, huh? How could you find all A+ players […]
The business of apple pie making

For years, I have made apple pie for Thanksgiving with a recipe I have perfected. I like Granny Smith apples with lots of lemon, cream and cinnamon – light on the sugar. Every year it is different based on the sourness of the apples.
The value of things

Two days ago, our cruise ship, the Viking Mars pulled into Lofoten, Norway, where fishing for Arctic Cod has been a mainstay for over 1000 years. The cod spawn there each January and men from all over Norway would go there to fish. They would hang the fish to dry and because it doesn’t quite […]
Say “no” to clients

Does it scare you to say “no” to clients? This is the time to try it with great consideration for the consequences. Many times when you or your sales team says yes, the internal cost is extremely high. With the supply chain disrupted, salaries going up, price of gas soaring, etc., anything out of your […]
Are you the CWO* of your company?

Many CEO’s that I work with as a Vistage Chair have a different reality from the title they show on their business cards. I call it the CWO- Chief “Whack-a-Mole” Officer.
Risk tolerant?

In his book The Growth Dilemma, Ami Kassar has a series of questions to evaluate how risk tolerant you are in your business. If he gave you $1 million, would you invest it in your company or put it in mutual funds?
How do you think of inventory?

Sales people think of inventory as an overflowing basket of goodies. There should always be extra, just in case. Operations people
I died a thousand deaths on the road to Agra
When we arrived in Orchha for lunch, we discovered that our train to Agra was currently 3 hours late and likely to be later or maybe cancelled.