Why did you like a speaker you heard on TedTalks?

What is it about an actor who you could listen to them recite ANYTHING?

Why do you cringe when you hear your neighbor talk at their partner? Is it the content or is it the delivery?

In school, we got graded for content. On the playground, we survived on delivery.

Did your parent say this to you? “It is not what you said, it was how you said it!” (Shortly, before you were sent to your room.)

Delivery matters.

Perhaps you have to give a business update. Or, you want to pitch a new software that will make a process in the company more efficient. Or, you need to lay off some of the team. So you write out your presentation and maybe have a coworker look at your powerpoint deck. Ready? Not really. At least record yourself giving it over zoom and replay it. Ugh. Do it again. Did you improve?

I can hear the objections. “I hate looking at myself or hearing me speak.” “It’s a waste of time.” “I’ve had presentation training.” Well, humor me. The higher the stakes, the more your delivery matters.

How many times are you in the middle of a presentation and someone, say your boss, or a member of the board of directors interrupts you with a question. Can you answer smoothly then guide the group back to where you were in the presentation? That is hard to do if you haven’t practiced.

If you do this enough times, I promise it will get easier. This week, think about a presentation or a meeting you have coming up and prepare ahead. Create the content and think about how you want to communicate that content. Be creative. Have some fun with it.

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Image of Vistage Speaker Pranav Dalal speaking to CE 58.