Is it



At the whim of the founder?

Team driven?


Driven by outside change?

Driven by a picture of how the future could be?

Driven by the questions you ask yourselves?

I just read this short article from the Harvard Business Review on strategic thinking.  As a questioner by trade, I loved the great questions they included to practice strategic thinking on the job. Here are a few you can use to challenge yourself.

How do I broaden what I consider?

What does success look like in year 1, and in year 3?

Other questions that occur to me are: What would blow our customers away?

How could we make it easier to do business with us?

What would differentiate us in the marketplace?


Take an hour this week and think through these questions and others. Share them with your team and pick the top 3 answers to explore a little more. If you don’t innovate, someone else will.



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