As consumers, we vote with our feet many times a day as we make choices of where we buy lunch, which internet sites we log into, what browser we use. As business-to- business providers, we expect our long-term customers to stay with us. Why? If you are lucky enough to have many long-term customers, do you really know why they buy from you? And, will potential new customers accept the same level of service?

Do you feel like you are always looking behind you to see who is chasing your shadow? If not, you should be. Think of all the paradigms that have been shifted by just 2 companies–Apple and Amazon. Consider how consumer expectations about customer service have changed. Apple didn’t start out this way, but imagine owning a Mac and not having access to the Apple store and the crew that can answer any question, help you pick the right Apple product, reset your phone, Ipad or Mac. Not to mention the classes you can take to get better at using the technologies. You don’t get that from other computer manufacturers. It is a huge reason why Apple acquires and retains customers. They make customer service easy and helpful.

Amazon changed the whole way we buy books. Instead, of going to a book store and hoping they have the book you want, they send it to you. Customers wanted to read the book right away? Well they download it through the internet. Do you realize that there are readers who have never lived in a world without the Kindle? And, then they began to carry products other than books. Next, they changed our whole perception about delivery. First with 2 day FREE delivery and now within a couple of hours.

None of this is new to you. Just listen to your internal conversation about what I am saying. “This doesn’t apply to my company.” “It’s too expensive.” “My customers are fine with the way we have always done it.” Really? Are you going to create uber-loyal customers by anticipating how they want your product or service, or are you going to be dragged kicking and screaming into the new world. Or worse, give it up to a new competitor with the energy to really ask what your customers want, anticipate what they’ll want next and make it easy to work with them – Easier than you or anyone else in your industry does today. You have those customers right now. Think this week about 3 paradigm shifts you could make to keep them. Pick one. Do it, ASAP!

Illustration courtesy of