BizPie Blog

The BizPie Blog gives expert advice for executives to help make better decisions, improve your team, and balance professional & personal life.


How do you get your books these days? Many people are using Audible to listen to books rather than reading them in a written format.

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The midlife slump

I was struck by an op-ed piece in the L.A. Times* by Jonathan Rauch, a Pulitzer Prize Winning journalist, who discovered in his 40’s that

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Self Care

When executives turn to their coaches in those moments of overwhelm, they might describe it as an issue of work/life balance, Or, it could show

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Hire Mothers

This is an important secret I learned when I ran my manufacturing company: hire mothers. Now, when the hiring signs are going up all over

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Being 90

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be 90?  Here is my Aunt Ruth blowing out the candles at the family home

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Risk tolerant?

In his book The Growth Dilemma, Ami Kassar has a series of questions to evaluate how risk tolerant you are in your business. If he gave you

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A term for confusing communication that tries to sound smart, yet has obscure meaning, was just introduced to me. The term is biz-blab. I immediately

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Bored v. Busy

It seems like it was a common refrain 10 years ago that everyone was bored. Perhaps that came from living with teenagers.  Now everyone complains

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Raising prices?

This week the federal reserve raised interest rates again making them the highest they have been since 2008. The President just directed the US trade

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Power of Fear

When we are having a good day, our thinking brain (the pre-frontal cortex) is in control and we don’t get flooded with cortisol – the

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