When I was developing my brand with the help of the amazing Emily Aiken of the Story Studio, I could not figure out how to structure my blog at Word Press. Neither Emily nor Michelle Sherman*, who were my accountable group, could fathom that I didn’t know how to take this one small step to start the project. They helped me get a website and word press developer and I was on my way.

Later, over some delicious margaritas, they told me how amazed they were that I had no trouble writing a post every week. It has been 7 years now. What was so simple to them had me stopped in my tracks. What they saw as the likely block has never been a problem.

In a Vistage groups this week, I asked each Member to share the most important thing they should be working on, and then the first step they plan to take. They had no trouble coming up with the project. Mostly they knew the first step, and why they hadn’t taken it. As an accountability group, they committed to an update next month on their progress.

Declaring what step you need to take and getting help if you need it is critical. No one want to show up at their group and say they didn’t keep their commitment. That makes most successful people nuts.

Here are some other issues blocking many right now:

Depression from the sameness of the pandemic,

Joblessness or fear of layoffs,

Lack of staff and good candidates to fill open jobs, (ironic combination, huh?)

Exhaustion from so many changes.

And, we know so many are one small step from losing their houses and/or extreme hunger. There is a sense of helplessness over what we as individuals can do.

So, I challenge you to make a list of what you need or want to do, and then commit to one small step you will take and the due date for each item. Sometimes overcoming one small hurdle opens a flood of good actions.


Image courtesy of https://www.sosillinois.org/