Creating and then executing a strategic plan is not a simple thing. It is at the heart of long term organizational success. Yet, we get distracted by the day-to-day, by the bumps in the road, detours, changes of team members, disruption in cash flow, etc. Still, we must get back to the plan and its execution.

Hiking through the Dolomites has had many of the same elements with all the glory of an 8 day execution rather than 2-5 years. And did I mention beautiful flowers? Unbelievable mountains? Great food and wonderful friends to share it with?

We got help to plan it, just like you might get a strategic planning consultant. We practiced small pieces of execution – we hiked for months to get prepared for 8-11 mile hikes with lots of elevation gains and losses. We tested and replaced some inadequate equipment (like my hiking boots). We tested our team for compatibility. Took some hikes and had some dinners together. We planned for failures and detours – brought blister kits, bandages, Advil, knee braces. Had paper maps, printed directions and gps on our phones. Had a back up battery for them. Had rain gear, hats and sunscreen. And, extra water.

The execution went well. It was one of the most beautiful mountain areas we have ever seen. “The Sound of Music” was definitely playing through our heads and the music was cow bells – everywhere.

In our youth, we would have been sleeping in a tent or a random shelter, but this time we were in 4 star hotels with showers, lovely beds and wonderful meals. All we carried on our backs was what we needed during the daily hike. Here was the difference between a start-up and an organization that has a well oiled process for getting to the strategic goals. Over time you have trained the team, you know what it takes to succeed  and you dedicate the time and effort to achieve repeatable success. Winning – completing the goal is sweet success.

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