If we all learned one thing in 2020, it was that we have darn little control over the waves we ride in on. Who knew last December that we would have a pandemic and all the economic effects that followed. We thought it would all blow over in 2 months and we would be back to our old lives. As we go riding into 2021 on the worst wave of the virus so far, what can we resolve for the new year?

I love using the Vistage exercise called Start, Stop, Continue to focus on behaviors I can control.

What will I start doing in 2021?

Vary my exercise routine. I admit I’m bored with my daily walks through the hills as nice as they are. So, I’m trying Well+Good which are free YouTube workouts to get a little more exercise. Like many of you, I ache from sitting too much on Zoom meetings all day long. Staying as healthy as possible gives us a tiny leg up if we catch the virus.

What will I stop doing?

Stop judging myself and others. Can I notice a behavior without pronouncing it right or wrong, good or bad? I am not an idiot or all those other names I call myself because I was late, or I made a mistake. Giving myself and others “grace” has been a well needed catch phrase of 2020 and it will still be important in 2021. It also lowers my anxiety, btw.

What will I continue doing?

Stand for connection, communication and kindness. The shut down of all in-person meetings last March challenged all of us to maintain connection in a remote environment. I knew it was possible in a one-on-one situation from past experience with Skype, but taking large group meeting into the Zoom format was very different. Just as I told my members, they were telling their teams: that there was no choice but to make this work. And, we did! For integrating our business and personal life, it is actually better. It sure beats the commute.

Finally, we had to communicate differently at work and brought the technology to meetings with old friends we didn’t see very often due to distance. Now we know what our work mates’ homes and dogs and kids look like in their pj’s. We have become more authentic about our feelings. And, we had to deal with new fears brought out by the pandemic: fears of illness, death, economic disaster and loneliness. Staying connected and kind made it safe to communicate even these.

2020 has taught me to be more resilient and grateful for what and who I have in my life. Thank you for being part of it. Hopefully by summer we will be riding the ocean waves having a great big party brought to us by the vaccine that ends the pandemic. Happy New Year. Stay safe.


photo courtesy of APKPure.com