Do you regularly get the advice to slow down? I think I’ve been told that my whole life.  Especially by my Mother. There was a regular argument about how many activities I would jump into. She would tell me that I was going to get run down and catch “mono”. If you are snickering with me, you are of a certain age. I still get told to slow down even though I think I now take a lot more time for myself. It occurs to me the issue is not to slow down: it is “slow down v. work differently”.

The pandemic has forced us to rethink where and how to work. Or, how to get the best result with changed opportunity and resources. If we can’t meet in person, how do we communicate as if we were. If we can’t go out of the house, how do we get results, etc. For me and I think for you, it has challenged many assumptions about what, how, when and where -which is both crisis and opportunity.

Rethinking: There is still the same number of minutes in a day. So deciding what I will no longer invest time in creates opportunity. Not driving 2-3 hours a day created more time with my Members and a little more exercise time each week. The opportunity to eat great food out of my refrigerator at any time has expanded my waist line.

Rethinking: I am delegating many administrative and marketing tasks to my amazing EA Toni. Chacon. I’m more clear on what I will not take on, including emotional labor for others. I’m automating or using technology to organize my time and tasks better.

I think there is more gold there for me. (Heh – The opportunity to work remotely has extended the shelf life of my car by years!) How could you be working differently to be happier and more productive starting this week? Who do you need to tell or to say no to?

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Photo of Alex Dye in Death Valley by Paul Dye 2011