If you have done pilates or are building flexibility and strength, you know how important it is to strengthen your core. It is not an obvious focus in the beginning – maybe you don’t even know where it is. Think of holding your stomach muscles in and you are pretty close. Stand with your head up and shoulders back and up on your tip toes. Then, bend your knees slightly, and back to neutral. Fell how all your muscles work together. Is that strengthening your core? No. It just feels good.
Notice how all the parts of the body work together and help each other to get you where you want to go with little effort. When one part isn’t working well, you sure feel it. It is the same in our organizations. When our communication is clear and aligns with the purpose, work goes smoothly. When we take care of our team and each other on the team we can move fast and efficiently. That doesn’t just happen. Mindful regular exercises like daily huddles, weekly plans/accountability, regular check-ins, and some humor can keep us focused on our priorities and humming along as a team.
When there are new demands, we need to focus on strengthening through it. All my forward progress aside, I realized my hip strength and flexibility were not responding well to getting up and down off the floor. So, I had to introduce new training. This is really slow and hard. Have you ever spent over a year to get your hamstrings stretched. Shesh! Don’t expect instant results.
Just be aware that the instability of the moment requires your whole team to be flexible and to move together. Perform daily exercises together to stretch through whatever is sticky today. That will be bring confidence and resiliency in your team.
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Image courtesy of verwellfit.com