We are 3/4 through with January which is a good time to examine our progress and tweak those resolutions we set for 2022. Actually, there is nothing wrong with the New Year’s resolutions. The execution is what needs to be tweaked.

It starts with noticing. What is working for you? One of my resolutions was to do the pilates warm-up every morning. It takes 5 minutes, 10 when our puppy spots me. I did it everyday (but one) and I’m noticing that I feel more agile. I get up from the floor more easily which is important as we age. That reinforces my commitment to the practice. I’m loving it.

On the other hand, drinking a glass of water in the first hour I’m up doesn’t seem to make a noticeable difference but that is one of those habits like taking vitamins that is noticeable in the default. And, it doesn’t cost me much to do it. So, I’m continuing to do it.

Where my good intentions aren’t working is around losing weight. Here is where I need to tweak or recommit. I said I would not have a second helping. Oh, but it tastes so good. So, I will add eating really slowly to improve the practice.

Applying the scientific method would call for setting a hypothesis, testing it and adjusting it based on the evidence of the trial. Sailing would say, you want to get from point A to point B and the wind is shifting. You have to keep adjusting your trajectory to get to your goal.

If you really want to get some progress on your New Year’s Resolutions, what do you have to tweak this week to put you back on course? Don’t give up and don’t call yourself names. Putting in place good habits takes time and commitment.

Photo: More than one path in Wadi Ram, Jordan.