As we went around the room expressing one thing for which we are grateful, the one most commonly repeated was for our health. In fact, one Vistage Member quoted an Indian proverb “A man with his health has 1000 dreams, a man without it has only one.” All heads nodded. So what are you doing to improve your health? I suggest you walk for it.

As a wannabe health enthusiast, I read a lot of hacks for simple ways to get great results. Until my early 40’s I ran 3-5 miles 3 times a week. I quit when I kept hurting my back picking up my kids on the day of the long run. As this was before sports medicine was widely available, I just quit and moved to the Nordic Trak and hiking. While 2 days of High Intensity Training and 2 days of weights would be pretty ideal, just walking every day with some stretching could keep you pretty fit.

So could you walk more? Could you walk 1000 more steps every day for the next year? If you pull out your phone, I bet you have a health app embedded in it. It shows you how many steps you took today. It will also show you your average for the last week, month or year. What if you track it? Maybe you already do. How would you add 1000 more steps?

Let’s make a plan. 1000 steps is about 1/2 mile. That is 10-15 minutes depending on how fast you walk. If you are in the office, can you take a walk on a break? Can you take a break? Let’s say you do. Do you grab a colleague and walk around the block? Or walk to lunch instead of driving? Or take a walk right after dinner with a family member?

There are a thousand ways to add a 1000 steps. Your health is worth walking for.


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