The good news is that not as many people are dying per number of new Covid cases.  Our amazing medical professionals and scientists are making progress there. The bad news is it feels the same as March and it’s almost October. We don’t have enough testing, we don’t have enough tracing and there is no vaccine likely before deep into 2021. Meanwhile, unemployment stays well over 10% and many companies and jobs will never come back.

I pulled out my trusty flip chart and started to list what I can and cannot control. My Vistage Members will laugh – I can’t tell you how often I’ve walked into a Member’s office and seen one of my giant post-it sheets on their wall. So, here I am processing my own issue in my office all by myself just like we do in a group of 16.

What can I control?

Well, I started with the other side: what I can’t control. Oh my, that is a long serious list. The pandemic, the fires, the economy, structural inequality, the behavior of others, the election….do they matter? Oh yes! So very, very much. And, despite my huge concern, I have no control over any of these.

What I can control seems small by comparison, and honestly it feels frustratingly small. I can control how I respond to all these grave issues. I can control my thoughts and choose to move on in my mind. I can take action by being safe and keeping others safe. I can buy meals out from local restaurants that I’d like to see survive. I can be kind, and patient and empathetic. I can donate to charities to assist my community and the world. I can eat healthy foods in healthy quantities. (haha, I know that is my weakness). I can go to bed 15 minutes earlier, and not be on devices. In fact, I can read a book, or listen to music, or dance/do pushups instead of watching one more news show.

Yes, I’m practicing all of these things. Lastly, I’m focusing on being grateful. Grateful for the fresh air now that the fires are gone. Grateful for the hummingbirds and the crazy puppy.  Grateful for my friends, family and Vistage Members who give me meaning and help me fulfill my purpose.

Maybe control was an illusion all along and I just needed to see it more starkly. This week, use a T square for yourself and/or your team and see if it helps your focus, your attitude and your resilience. We need to keep on keeping on.