finding creativity in small places

The local bakery has fabulous bread. When I went there this weekend they had many Halloween cookies and other treats that one might expect at this time of year. Not only that, they created sourdough bread with spooky faces as you see in the picture. The inside was black! And, tasted like sourdough. How cool! […]

Laughter as medicine

Waking up in Chicago, jet-lagged from a late arrival, I hear my 11 month old granddaughter screeching and crawling to her sister’s room. I jump out of bed fearing my daughter and son-in-law were overwhelmed and run upstairs to find the kids playing a game the 11 month old invented. She was screeching and crawling […]

Innovation versus innovative process

Have you ever noticed that innovators talk really fast? It seems like the ideas are flooding their brain 3 times faster than the mouth can talk…or than the listener can process. Sometimes, before you can ask a question, they are on to another idea. Those who excel at innovative processes tend to talk slower. Their […]

Business + Community

Nora Paller blog

Board members of non-profits are expected to contribute their smarts and their money and show up to their fundraisers. That is part of the deal. So this week we trekked up to Sonoma to attend the gala for Kids Scoop News. They create a monthly newsletter to distribute to schools that local businesses support, full […]

Endings – elegant or otherwise

How damaging is it when a team member leaves the company for a competitor and trashes everything about your organization on the way out?  Have you had this happen to you? Have you done it yourself?

Beginner’s mind

How fun is it to learn something new? Whether it is how to use AI to craft a better story, or a new video game or, for my husband Paul, a new mirrorless camera? A beginner’s mind is totally engaged and excited.

Zappos culture eats Vegas culture for dinner

Nora Group 1

Starting with dinner at the Venician, you see the excess. Part of CE 3709 Vistage group posed with me in front of a Formula Race Car. They will be shutting down the strip to run it this week in front of all the casinos. Tickets start at $1000, and you can’t see it otherwise unless […]

Create agency


When the pandemic sent millions of people to work from home, each one had to figure out how to connect in to work with perhaps their own old laptop and their phone. Laptops were sold out. Laptop cameras were not available. Internet speeds were too slow. Schools were shut down so kids too had to […]

He quit????

It feels like a gut punch. You get a call from an important, trusted team member and it is not business as usual. He calls to give you his notice. What???

Confirmation bias

How often do you catch yourself looking for only those opinions that agree with your own? That, my friend, would be confirmation bias: only looking/listening to those who agree with you. While that seems to be a time honored tradition in politics, it is not good in business.