Are you right here, right now?

 I was talking to my daughter while making dinner the other night, and I remembered that I needed to send an email and oh I needed to get the butter out…this is when

How are you managing your email etiquette?

Controversy this week about Hilary Clinton’s use of a private email server while Secretary of State is just the tip of the iceberg about email hygiene. In her case, at the time she did it, it was not against policy. Now it would be. She may have been advised to do it to add a […]

Who is making things happen in New Orleans 10 years+ after Katrina?

My old friend grew up in New Orleans and basically left at 18. His father designed the sculpture in the picture. He toured us around for a couple of days and talked about the strict social rules and stratification in New Orleans while he was growing up. My nephew just moved here 3 weeks ago […]

How many languages do you speak?

The tour guide in Mumbai was asked, “How many languages do you speak?” He replied “Seven. English and Hindi, of course, and 5 South Indian languages.” Speaking more than one language is pretty common in India. What surprised me was how many people did not speak English.

How beautiful are sarees?

As a western woman, I often feel conflicted when I travel in other countries where the men wear western dress,

The good old days

Sometimes when I listen to business owners talk about how it was when they started their companies, I am enchanted. And, sometimes I am reminded of being 8 years old and listening