What IS reality?

Last week I was all fired up to rescue LA city schools with an initiative from the business community to bring free internet to all students so every child would have access to remote education and we wouldn’t see them lose another year of education.

Change the water we swim in

Every once in a while we get the opportunity to look at who we are being as individuals and it can be a difficult moment of awareness. Perhaps in those moments, we can go off in a room by ourselves and rethink our behavior. We can quietly ask for help from colleagues, friends or family […]

Finding a mentor

Nora Paller BizPie Blog

If you work with someone or for someone, mentoring might be offered to you without your asking. For solo-preneurs or rising stars in an organization, you might have to go seek it. Here are some thoughts from the old hand about how should you go about asking.

Mentor, don’t instruct

Nora Paller BizPie Blog

How often does someone try to delegate up to you? Hey boss, how do I get on the shared drive? Hey boss, what should I say to this difficult customer? Hey boss, should we get a different supplier?

What is your BHAG?

Do you have a BHAG (a big hairy audacious goal)?  I found mine a few years ago.

Take it off line…

For the second meeting in a row, Vistage Member and IT Guru Alan Sugano walked into the room and called for a def-com alert. And, like that old E.F. Hutton commercial, when Alan talks, we all listen. Like an earthquake or a mudslide or a serious fire, this may never happen…but if it does there […]

Take time to notice

On autopilot, are we? We stumble out of bed in a sleepy fog at 0-dark-30 and get through our morning routine by habit (habit is good). Then somewhere after or during the morning shower or maybe not until we turn on the car after our morning caffeine, we begin to wake up. Do we take […]

What we dismiss

It is the role of the business leader to make decisions. Sometimes, no, quite often, we have to decide with less information than we would want if we had more time. So, we have to take risks and make choices. Lately. I’ve been thinking about what we dismiss in that process. Urgency drives us barreling […]

Keep Moving

Do you ever have a bad day you can’t shake? Traffic makes you late, you didn’t sleep well, you were unnecessarily nasty to a colleague, too many meetings cancelled at the last minute. You get to the end of the day and you want to start it over. Get over it. Keep moving. Easy to […]

Planned or unplanned?

We got up to Mammoth before the big dump on Friday night and woke up early to a foot of snow and more dropping. I couldn’t wait to get out the door! Season pass holders who got there at 7:30 got “early ups” an hour before everyone else would be allowed on the mountain. I […]