Age as an excuse

I really have a hard time accepting it when people use age as an excuse. “I’m too old to take the stairs.” “I’m too old to learn how to use a new phone, app, program, AI, etc.” “I don’t want to get my hearing, vision, blood pressure, prostate, mammogram, or some other preventative exam….” Really? […]
Gamify joy finding

Why is it that pets and small children find joy in little things all day long? Why are the rest of us so grumpy? They/we were born with this ability and we lose it with time. To recreate it, I suggest we gamify joy finding. Our grumpy side may say “we don’t have time for […]
Moms – thank you for your service

I remember coming out of a bathroom in an local arboretum with my 4 and 1 year old when an older lady smiled broadly at us and said how lovely my daughters were. She wished for me that I would have a moment to enjoy them. Ahhh, so did I. And, so I wish for […]
Your mind is a dangerous place

Have you recently sat quietly with your eyes closed and let your mind wander wherever it may? Perhaps you are meditating, or just breathing or giving yourself a moment to “quiet your mind.” Tell me, why is there a need to quiet the mind? Have you been paying attention to it lately? Susan Scott, the […]
The green flash

“Two minutes to sunset!” our friend announced, and we all marched out to his deck to watch the sun go down over the Pacific. Seeing the green flash when the sun sets happens, but not frequently. I have seen it once before. I have seen the sunset from this deck at least 50 times. Will […]
Your daily oasis

When I was a young, driven CEO with 2 small children, the idea of taking time for myself each day was laughable. My “me time” was the 3-4 times each week when I snuck in a run or an aerobics class. Other than that, it was work, family and chores.