When the market place changes, do you?

I met with a management team this week and asked, ”Would you go into your business today if you were just starting up?” They laughed and said “Oh, no way.” Okay, so I have my work cut out for me. And, so do they.

Whack-a-Mole – Part 2

Last week we talked about how many CEO’s are really behaving like Chief Whack-a-Mole Officers. The same problem keeps popping up over and over again and they keep whacking it to no avail. And I shared some important questions you should ask yourself if you self-identified as a CWO. Your answers should begin to help […]

The Internal Conversation

One of my favorite quotes is from Susan Scott’s Fierce Conversations, “All conversations are with myself. Sometimes they include other people.”

4th Quarter BizPie Health Challenge

We’re heading into the holiday season and in the blink of an eye the year will be over. Many companies are finalizing their budgets for 2014. A process that highlights just how many promises and goals for 2013 have fallen by the wayside, and now we only have one and a half months left before […]