Your USP

In business, it is not uncommon to be asked about your USP – your Unique Selling Proposition. The USP is defined as that which makes your product or service different from all your competitors. Does your organization do a deep dive into what makes you unique and why people buy from you? Data may be […]
A time to celebrate

25 years old, 25th wedding anniversary. Anything you celebrate that you did for 25 years is a pretty big deal. This week my Vistage Members joined me to celebrate my 25th anniversary of being a Vistage Chair and the party was awesome. A KEY Member* hosted at the LA Athletic Club in the Blue Room […]
Strengthen your core

If you have done pilates or are building flexibility and strength, you know how important it is to strengthen your core. It is not an obvious focus in the beginning – maybe you don’t even know where it is. Think of holding your stomach muscles in and you are pretty close. Stand with your head […]
VUCA Prime

Last week I talked about VUCA: Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity. The term comes out of Software Development where waterfall programming (developing the whole software before testing) got lapped by agile sprints (all hands working on one small piece, testing and repeat.) I mentioned that leadership expert Bob Johansen proposed this antidote to VUCA in […]
VUCA it is!

VUCA is an acronym that stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. It’s a framework used to describe situations that are unpredictable and rapidly changing. Well, doesn’t that sound like the times we are living in! It is how Musk ran his companies and how our federal government is being run today. The volatility and uncertainty is […]
Age as an excuse

I really have a hard time accepting it when people use age as an excuse. “I’m too old to take the stairs.” “I’m too old to learn how to use a new phone, app, program, AI, etc.” “I don’t want to get my hearing, vision, blood pressure, prostate, mammogram, or some other preventative exam….” Really? […]
Plan sooner

What if you pretended that it was already Dec 31, 2025? What if you were already planning strategy for 2026? What would you want to have accomplished in 2025 to make 2026 a great year? I’ve noticed that when I plan ahead like that, I complete so many of the small foreseeable steps, that I […]

You may have started the year with earnest resolutions to eat less, exercise more, spend more time with loved ones, etc., and now it is one month in to the year. How are you doing? Tell me, did anything go right? Honestly, I didn’t even make any resolutions knowing I would be on vacation until […]
Los Angeles – we will rise!

The helicopters are still circling. The winds are coming back. The fires are not out. Houses are gone. People are still evacuated. The houses that remain are smoke damaged. No one is going back in until the toxic remains are removed….AND YET…. we will rise! Los Angeles – we will rise! Together, we will rebuild […]
Containers around the world

Living near L.A-Long Beach, the largest port in the US, I’ve seen a lot of containers being moved. I’ve toured the port and been up in the big crane facilities that can load and unload 6 ships at a time. There is a special rail line expressway, the Alameda Corridor, that takes containers out of […]