To decide

For linguistic geeks like me, it is interesting to ponder the origin of the word “decide.” Decide comes from latin. The root -“cide” is to kill, “de” is choice. So to decide is to kill choice. Isn’t that curious?

Labor Day

How ironic that this Labor Day all employers can talk about is labor shortages. Promising talent is being picked off with unsolicited offers for way more than their current salaries, and entry level workers cannot be found. Add to that, the national employment level is 6.1 million lower than before COVID. Nationally, we have 10 […]

“Servant” Leadership

Nora Paller BizPie Blog

I am a big fan of servant leadership, so I was quite interested in reading “The Motive” by Patrick Lencioni. This is his new book and it is about Leadership. According to Lencioni, all great leadership is servant leadership so it is time to drop the adjective: servant.

Ducks in order?

As I look around my office and see the papers, and think about the closet that needs to be purged, I sigh….I need to put my ducks in order.

Role changes

Your company grew 30% so far this year. Yahoo! Guess what? This may cause role changes for you. Are you good with that?

Depends on how you look at it…

Living in an area with mature trees is a real pleasure, especially during the hot days of summer. Look at the palm trees in the picture. They are over 60 feet tall. Notice the ivy climbing all the way to the top? That is pretty unusual. Is it a good thing, or a bad thing? […]

“Leadership is a performing art”. – Lee Thayer

Since I first read this quote last January, I’ve been rolling this concept around in my mind, the way you might roll a squeeze ball around in your hand. Or the way you try to pick a piece of kale out from between your molars….a performing art….hmmm

Bossy girl or natural leader?

When I think of 10 year old Nora with long stringy brown hair and glasses, I remember being bored, physically and mentally restless and often speaking up with ideas for how things could be more interesting or more fun. Was I a bossy girl or a natural leader?

Retire to?

Nora Paller BizPie Blog

With several successful sales among Members of my groups, a new question has arisen, what to retire to?

Committed to Growing as Leaders

This week my Chief Executive Vistage groups got together in person for the first time in 15 months. Wow! It was so sweet. There were so many lovely side conversations before starting, during breaks and sometimes during the meeting as people reconnected or met for the first time.