Gamify joy finding

Why is it that pets and small children find joy in little things all day long? Why are the rest of us so grumpy? They/we were born with this ability and we lose it with time. To recreate it, I suggest we gamify joy finding. Our grumpy side may say “we don’t have time for […]

Charge and re-charge

If you have seasonality to your work life like I do, planning recharge time after charge time is more necessary than we might think. The second week of each month when I have my Vistage meetings is what I plan my whole month around. If you have to close books, it might be the last […]

Don’t waste your energy on what you can’t control

This week, I have spent many hours talking Members through their disappointment and fears around the outcome of the election.  Higher tariffs, anti-immigrant policies, hateful and divisive language threaten their business success and members of their families and their communities. I find wise counsel once again in the leadership principles outlined by Stephen Covey in the […]

Password buddy

In the worst case scenario. say, you were in a car accident, would someone know the password for your phone, or for your computer? Who has your Medical Power of Attorney if you are unconscious? Who makes decisions about your treatment? Who runs the company? This week, one of my Vistage Members was in a […]

finding creativity in small places

The local bakery has fabulous bread. When I went there this weekend they had many Halloween cookies and other treats that one might expect at this time of year. Not only that, they created sourdough bread with spooky faces as you see in the picture. The inside was black! And, tasted like sourdough. How cool! […]

Infrastructure investment- we need it.

The United States has a gap between the infrastructure we have and the one we need if we are to grow our economy and remain a dominant strategic power. China spends 4.8% of gdp on infrastructure. The US spends  2.3%.* Infrastructure includes roads, railroads, seaports, inland investments, energy, etc. Most infrastructure is paid for by […]

Blue zones aren’t real

I must have been 5 when I finally accepted that Santa Claus was a myth. I think we love our myths as humans, especially ones that result in unexpected and unearned gifts, wealth, health happiness, etc.  They feed into a yearning we have for a better life, or a simple explanation. Blue Zones were identified […]

The simplicity

There was a simple joy in watching the first Dodger playoff game last night while we made dinner. I had a new pork and mushroom meatball recipe we were making, and with a fresh batch of basil, I made pesto and a green salad. Paul had a silver tequila neat and I opened a bottle […]

Go Slow – the motto of Caye Coulker, Belize

  Can you imagine a group of hard driving CEO’s spending a whole week together with spouses “going slow”? Yes, it can happen. It just did. A year ago at our last retreat in Lake Tahoe, someone asked where we would go next year. There was a long silence in the room. Then, Chuck Tapert […]

Compartmentalize and focus

Do you have days when there are just too many distracting demands, all urgent? You realize you are jumping from one to another and essentially, not getting anywhere. We all have days like this. During Covid, it seemed there were many months like this. What is required to get through it is to prioritize, compartmentalize […]