BizPie Blog
The BizPie Blog gives expert advice for executives to help make better decisions, improve your team, and balance professional & personal life.
Mentor, don’t instruct
How often does someone try to delegate up to you? Hey boss, how do I get on the shared drive? Hey boss, what should I
Celebrate May
There is something about May that screams celebration. Especially this year, with the long winter and late spring, it has been a riot of flowers,
Just show up
There is a business proverb that I like to repeat, perhaps more often than others like to hear it: “Showing up is 80% of success
What is your BHAG?
Do you have a BHAG (a big hairy audacious goal)? I found mine a few years ago.
Take it off line…
For the second meeting in a row, Vistage Member and IT Guru Alan Sugano walked into the room and called for a def-com alert. And,
Take time to notice
On autopilot, are we? We stumble out of bed in a sleepy fog at 0-dark-30 and get through our morning routine by habit (habit is
Receiving feedback
Is it easy for you to receive feedback? For most of my life, you could give me positive feedback all day long. I would tend
Giving feedback
Do you give fair and accurate informal feedback to your direct reports? Teams that do outperform by 40%. Would getting better at giving feedback and
Practicing what I preach
My Vistage Members don’t get out of a 1-2-1 without me asking Did you get exercise? Are you eating well? Did you get some creative
To come from love
At Chairworld, the gathering of 600+ Vistage Chairs from 22 countries, many of us were interviewed by a wandering video crew. I was asked to
What we dismiss
It is the role of the business leader to make decisions. Sometimes, no, quite often, we have to decide with less information than we would
Today is the Oscars. If you don’t live near Hollywood, you may not know that they close down Hollywood Boulevard for a week ahead and
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