One small step

When I was developing my brand with the help of the amazing Emily Aiken of the Story Studio, I could not figure out how to structure my blog at Word Press. Neither Emily nor Michelle Sherman*, who were my accountable group, could fathom that I didn’t know how to take this one small step to […]

Oxygen to breath

Breathe. Now through a mask. The irony of this pandemic is how much it relates to our breathing. With my chronic cough, breathing is not an idle issue, so perhaps I am more sensitive to the effects than others. I figure if  I get Covid, I’m in deeper trouble than most. But this concern about […]

Mentor, don’t instruct

Nora Paller BizPie Blog

How often does someone try to delegate up to you? Hey boss, how do I get on the shared drive? Hey boss, what should I say to this difficult customer? Hey boss, should we get a different supplier?

Take time to notice

On autopilot, are we? We stumble out of bed in a sleepy fog at 0-dark-30 and get through our morning routine by habit (habit is good). Then somewhere after or during the morning shower or maybe not until we turn on the car after our morning caffeine, we begin to wake up. Do we take […]

Giving feedback

Nora Paller BizPie Blog

Do you give fair and accurate informal feedback to your direct reports? Teams that do outperform by 40%. Would getting better at giving feedback and receiving it help your company perform better? Dr. Eve Meceda spoke to my Vistage groups about mindset and gave us a set of clues for how to give fair, accurate […]

Orchestrate Diversity

Friday night we watched from the seats of Disney Hall as Zubin Mehta, the former conductor of the Los Angeles Philharmonic slowly walked out on the arm of the violinist Pinchas Zukerman to conduct Brahms’ Violin Concerto. Mehta was carefully guided up a ramp to the conductor’s platform and led the orchestra from a chair […]

Remembering Gerry Layo

The code words “sad news” ran across the subject line from a post by a fellow Vistage Chair. The inspirational, high energy, force of nature known as Gerry Layo had a fall and died from his injuries. Oh, how could that be??? I miss him already… Gerry incited energy and action in his sales seminars. […]

Communicating, really?

A random comment caught me off guard last week. A senior executive said that their executive team brought in a facilitator and set goals for 2019 and he had real clarity as to what his role would be going forward. Here is what surprised me: He said that in all the time he had worked […]

Leadership Style?

In a crisis, we look to a firefighter to lead us. In a process or profit maximization, we look for a steady analytic type. Which are you? For your organization, do you have the right leadership style?– It depends on the challenges you are facing.

Reevaluating Priorities

How often do you throw all your cards up in the air and re-sort them in a new order? I’m going through that right now. Due to a much increased work load (all good) I’m rethinking where I put my time and attention. Obligations, burdens, previously fun stuff, the “of course I’ll do that” responses, […]