Find your red threads

When Marcus Buckingham spoke to the Vistage community about his book Love+ Work, he was particularly captivating about finding your red threads. What does that mean? Why red? His red threads are those things that stand out for you – that you love to do. Think of it as a scavenger hunt into your own […]

To hope is an act of will

The rain had stopped and the birds were tweeting as the sun crept through the window. I took a deep breathe pushing my belly out and slowly exhaled all the way back down into my belly. Ahhhh. I felt grateful to have slept well. I felt grateful to not be in pain today. I wiggled […]

The wearing of the green

Nora Paller BizPie Blog

There are some holidays that are sober reminders of sacrifice like Memorial Day. There are religious holidays that matter depending on your own traditions or how they have been popularized. Then there is St. Patrick’s Day.

The green flash

“Two minutes to sunset!” our friend announced, and we all marched out to his deck to watch the sun go down over the Pacific. Seeing the green flash when the sun sets happens, but not frequently. I have seen it once before. I have seen the sunset from this deck at least 50 times. Will […]

Pick one

We all know that it is hard to change our habitual practices- not signaling when we turn right, or leaving the lights on, or ignoring bad behavior by our best salesperson. So, if you were to pick one thing to address in 2024, what one little thing would make the biggest difference? Let’s look for […]

Peace on earth, good will to men…

Peace on earth, good will to men has not had a good year.The war in Ukraine continues, the MidEast has erupted, Jews and Palestinians in the US who had nothing to do with the violence in the MidEast are being threatened. The amount of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants in every continent has skyrocketed. Rather […]

Short bursts of play

Bogie, my standard poodle, burst into my office with a toy he found on a walk and ran around daring me to chase him – which of course I jumped up and did. For 5 minutes, I chased him and threw his toy until he was done, and so was I. If you have kids […]

What is all that money for?

The death of Charlie Munger this week at 99 years old made me think again about the age old question: what is all that money for? Charlie Munger, who ran Berkshire Hathaway with Warren Buffett, gave over 75% of his assets away over many years. He never showed up in the list of the 500 […]

Adults need play, too!

Nora Group 2

When was the last time you had a weekend to get away and play with your friends? This weekend my Eastside CEO group worked and played together at South Lake Tahoe.

Your daily oasis

When I was a young, driven CEO with 2 small children, the idea of taking time for myself each day was laughable. My “me time” was the 3-4 times each week when I snuck in a run or an aerobics class. Other than that, it was work, family and chores.